Effective Date: 01 January 2021
We ask you to carefully read the text of these rules (user agreement including privacy policy) before using the socprofile.com website. Registration on the site and use of the socprofile.com site by default means your agreement with (acceptance) of the terms of this offer is considered to be the use of socprofile.com.
The site socprofile.com, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, on the one hand, and any person hereinafter referred to as the “User”, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as follows:
1. Terms and definitions
The meanings of capitalized terms used in these terms of service are set out below:
1.1. Site - a website, the content of Internet pages located on the Internet under the domain name socprofile.com, accessible to an indefinite circle of persons via the HTTPS protocol.
1.2. User - an Internet user who has established an HTTPS connection with the site and has gained access to the information content (content) of the site.
1.3. Personal data - data containing any information about the user (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, education, job descriptions, other information that the user specifies at his own discretion).
1.4. Feedback is a system of technical means and a signal propagation medium for transmitting messages (not only data) from a source to a receiver (and vice versa).
1.5. A Page is a personalized and easily customizable page that hosts your content, including all the important links you want to share with your audience.
2. General Provisions
2.1. By registering or using socprofile.com you agree to be bound by these site rules. If you do not agree with any part of these terms of use, you must immediately leave socprofile.com.
2.2. You warrant that you are 18 years of age or older and that you are legally capable of entering into this agreement. If you are under the age of 18, you must obtain the consent of your parent or guardian to use socprofile.com, and they agree to be bound by these terms of service on your behalf.
2.3. Please abide by our Privacy Policy: your access to and use of socprofile.com is also governed by our Privacy Policy. By using socprofile.com, you agree to the Privacy Policy.
2.4. If you access or use socprofile.com from a country for which there are special terms of use of the site, you also agree to the specific terms that apply to each respective country, and in the event of a conflict between the provisions, these terms of service and country special conditions, special terms countries will prevail to the extent that they exist.
2.5. If you access socprofile.com on behalf of a company or organization, you represent and warrant that you are an authorized representative of the company or organization with the authority to bind the organization to these terms of service and that you agree to these terms of service on behalf of the organization.
3. Rights and obligations of the User and the Contractor
3.1. The user has the right:
3.1.1. Unlimited view of information on the site in a mode accessible to it. Post free information about yourself, publish an unlimited amount of necessary and possible information. The user is responsible for the content of the information he publishes and the consequences of its posting on the Internet.
3.2. The user undertakes:
3.2.1. Place and send for publication only reliable and true information about yourself.
3.2.2. When registering, use only your personal email address.
3.2.3. Use personal and contact information of other users only for purposes related to the thematic area of the site.
3.2.4. Do not unauthorized entry into any technological components, programs, databases and other components of the site.
3.2.5. Do not use someone else's name or represent yourself on behalf of another person or organization.
3.2.6. Do not modify or delete any materials on the site related to other persons or companies.
3.2.7. Do not restrict other users' access or prevent other users from using the site
3.2.8. Not to send or make available on the Internet viruses, malware and any other information, the dissemination of which, in one way or another, contradicts Russian or international law.
3.2.9. Comply with this agreement.
3.2.10. Not to post in any way, through the Resource, information in violation of international law.
3.2.11. Do not post and / or transmit, using the site, materials, if the user does not have the appropriate rights to do so. This applies to materials protected by copyright, trademarks, patents, as well as non-proliferation agreements, confidentiality, and the like.
3.2.12. Do not use information about phone numbers, postal addresses, e-mail addresses for purposes other than the subject of the site. It is allowed to view personal data from the site and print them only for personal use.
3.2.13. Do not upload, send, transmit or in any other way post and / or distribute content, in the absence of rights to such actions according to the law or any contractual relationship.
3.3. The contractor has the right:
3.3.1. Completely or partially remove from your site any information that, from the point of view of socprofile.com, is unacceptable, objectionable or in violation of this agreement.
3.3.2. Make technical changes in the posted materials, as well as remove inappropriate information at your own discretion. All advertising materials related to advertising of organizations or other commercial offers not provided on socprofile.com will be removed.
3.3.3. Despite the fact that all information is carefully checked and edited, the user who published it is ultimately responsible for the degree of accuracy of the information posted.
3.3.4. Block or delete a user account, as well as deny access using any account to certain services of the socprofile.com website, and delete any information without giving any reason, including if the user violates the terms of use of the socprofile.com website. < br>
3.4. The Contractor undertakes:
3.4.1. Do not use or transfer to other persons the user's personal data for purposes other than the thematic focus of the site.
3.4.2. Provide the opportunity for the user to delete personal information, as well as any other information posted by him on the site through the notification of the Contractor by feedback.
4. Changes to the terms of use of socprofile.com
4.1. We may change or replace these terms of service at any time if the change is necessary to reflect the modified or added functionality of socprofile.com, in accordance with the law, for reasonable business reasons, or otherwise to protect our legitimate interests.
4.2. We may notify you of certain changes in the terms of service: if a change in these terms of service could have a material negative impact on you, we will make every effort to notify you of the change in advance (for example, by posting a notice on the Site), and we will endeavor to do so as at least one week prior to the entry into force of any new terms.
4.3. It is your responsibility to check these terms of service from time to time for any changes. If you disagree with any changes to these terms of service, you must stop using socprofile.com.
4.4. Your continued use of socprofile.com will be deemed your acceptance of any changes to these terms of service as described above.
4.5. You acknowledge that socprofile.com is constantly evolving and we may change parts of the site and its functionality from time to time.
4.6. These terms of use of the site can be changed by the owner of the site unilaterally. The new agreement will take effect as soon as it is posted on socprofile.com.
5. Create account
5.1. To access or use our socprofile.com website, you must create an account with us. When creating this account, you must provide accurate and up-to-date information. It is important that you maintain and update your details and any other information you provide to us.
5.2. You also agree not to disclose your password to third parties, and you are responsible for protecting the password you use. You are solely responsible for the actions associated with your account or password. You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any security breach or unauthorized use of your account.
5.3. You may not use the name of another person as your username (for example, the name of a famous person or a name you have nothing to do with), a brand or legal entity, a name that is legally prohibited from use, or a business name for which any rights of another natural or legal person, or a name that is offensive, vulgar or obscene, apply. In the event of problems with the use of certain usernames, such as when another person claims that your username matches their name, we will reasonably consider the circumstances and may require you to change your username (and then we may reassign your username). If we have asked you to do this and you refuse, we may suspend or terminate your account. It is important to note that, without affecting the above, we do not allow "domain squatting", "domain parking", etc. and we may return and redistribute usernames that we reasonably believe were created for these purposes. You can report any username issues to us.
5.4 You must not use or allow your account to be used in a way that may (in our opinion) harm or damage socprofile.com or our reputation, or violate or violate any third party rights or violate applicable laws, or decisions.
6. Use of site materials
6.1. Each user is responsible for the information posted on his behalf and for the consequences of this posting.
6.2. The Contractor makes every possible effort to exclude from the site careless, inaccurate or knowingly incomplete information, however, ultimately, the user is responsible for it.
6.3. The Contractor undertakes not to provide any personal data about the user to individuals and companies, organizations claiming the possible misuse of such information (sending unauthorized advertisements, "spam", providing information to others, etc.). But the Contractor is not responsible for the possible misuse of information from the site by users or other persons and / or companies, organizations, which occurred without notifying the Contractor with or without the information security of the site.
6.4. After posting information on the website socprofile.com, it goes to the permanent storage in the archive of the Contractor and can be used by the website socprofile.com at its discretion without changing their content. Other information posted by the user on socprofile.com can also be used by the Contractor at his own discretion, incl. for publication in other editions of the Contractor.
6.5. If the user of the site socprofile.com saves information posted on the site in his own database outside the site, then the site user bears responsibility for this within the framework of the Law "On Personal Data", as the operator of personal data.
6.6. By using this site, the user agrees and accepts that the Contractor reserves the right to use his personal data anonymously and in a generalized form for statistical purposes.
7. Responsibilities of the parties
7.1. Due to the difficult identification of users of the site for technical reasons, the Contractor is not responsible for the fact that registered users are really the people they claim to be, and is not responsible for any damage caused to users or other persons for this reason. The Contractor does not guarantee that the software, servers and computer networks used by the site are free from errors and computer viruses. If the use of the site resulted in the loss of data or damage to equipment, the Contractor is not responsible for this.
7.2. Using the information from the site, the user realizes and accepts the risks associated with the possible inaccuracy of the information posted on the site, as well as the fact that some information may seem threatening, offensive, defamatory, knowingly false, rude, obscene to him. If this happens, the user must immediately stop using the site and inform the Contractor about the availability of such information.
7.3. The user, by posting his personal data on the Contractor's website, understands and accepts all possible risks associated with the possible use of his personal data by a wide range of users of the socprofile.com website.
7.4. The Contractor does not guarantee that the published user information will be viewed by a certain number of site users or at least one.
7.5. The user uses socprofile.com at his own risk. The Contractor does not assume any responsibility, including for the compliance of the site with the goals of the user.
7.6. The Contractor is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage and loss of profits, even if this was the result of using or inability to use the site.
7.7. The correctness of the site, as well as the correctness, reliability, completeness, timeliness of the information published on it are not guaranteed. The user agrees to assume full responsibility for the possible consequences of using the information received from the site.
7.8. The user is solely responsible for the equipment, software and communication lines that are used to access the site. The advertiser is responsible for the content of advertisements, including banners placed on the site.
7.9. The Contractor is not a representative of either the user who publishes his information on the site, or the users who post other information, therefore he cannot be responsible for any financial obligations arising between the two. Any agreements between users are bilateral, and the Contractor has nothing to do with them.
7.10. The Contractor does not bear any responsibility for any direct or indirect damage and loss of profits, for the information posted by the user on the site, does not bear any responsibility to third parties.
7.11. Under no circumstances will socprofile.com or its representatives be liable to the user or any third parties for any indirect, incidental, unintentional damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation, including loss of business, income , profit, use, privacy, data, reputation or other economic advantage caused in connection with the use of the site, site content or other materials to which you or other persons have access through the site, even if the administration of the site socprofile.com warned or pointed to the possibility of such harm.
8. Copyright
8.1. The property rights to the site belong to the Contractor.
8.2. When using materials of our website the active link to the site is required. The design and all elements of the site are the property of the Contractor.
8.3. Logos, commercial symbols, trademarks and advertising slogans are displayed on the site for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners, and are protected by law.
8.4. All information, including photo content, posted on the site is protected in accordance with the laws of the countries. Reproduction and other use of copyrighted works obtained from the site is allowed only under the conditions specified on the site or in the text of the work itself. If such conditions are not specified, the use of the work is prohibited.
8.5. The user can publish, link, store, share or otherwise provide certain information, text, graphics, videos or other materials on the page that he creates using socprofile.com (Content). The User is responsible for the Content, including its legality, reliability and relevance. If any third party owns any Content, the user is also responsible for securing all rights (including any licenses) necessary to provide you with access to the Content on socprofile.com.
8.6. You agree that:
8.6.1. The Content belongs to you (it belongs to you) or you have the right to use it and grant us the rights and license as provided in these terms of service;
8.6.2. Posting your Content on or through socprofile.com does not violate the privacy, publicity, copyright, contractual rights or any other rights of any person.
8.7. In addition, you agree that:
8.7.1. The Content will not cause you or us to violate any law, regulation, rule, code or other legal obligation;
8.7.2. The Content will not or cannot reasonably be deemed obscene, inappropriate, defamatory, demeaning, obscene, seditious, offensive, threatening, capable of inciting racial hatred, discriminatory, blasphemous, violating the trust of confidentiality. In some cases, Content that does not violate previous requirements in one country may do the same in another country (and we reserve the right to take any action we deem necessary in such circumstances, including removing Content or restricting access to socprofile. com.
8.7.3. Content will not be unsolicited, undisclosed, or constitute unauthorized advertising or support for any
8.7.4. The Content does not contain software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment, and the Content does not and is unlikely to damage the reputation of us or socprofile.com. < br>
8.8. We are under no obligation to regularly monitor the accuracy or reliability of your Content included on socprofile.com. We reserve the right to change or remove any Content at any time.
8.9. By posting Content on socprofile.com, the user grants us the right and license to use, publicly display and distribute such Content on and through socprofile.com, and the user confirms that the user has all the rights and licenses of third parties required to publish this Content. User retains all and all of your rights in any Content that you submit, post or display on or through socprofile.com, and you are responsible for protecting these rights. User agrees that this license includes the right to share your Content with other socprofile.com users who may also use your Content in accordance with these terms of service.
8.10. You acknowledge and agree that all Content that you submit on socprofile.com will be public information and you bear the risks associated with such public disclosure.
8.11. We may choose to place your Page and Content (but not your registered trademarks or personal information unless you agree in writing) on our Website or otherwise to promote socprofile.com. You grant us a free worldwide perpetual license to use such Content for such purposes.
8.12. The copyright for all materials published on socprofile.com, except where otherwise noted, belongs to socprofile.com. Exceptions apply to cases of direct reprinting or posting by the user of materials on our site of third-party information, in respect of which socprofile.com only has the right to publish. All such exceptions are expressly stated in the texts to which they relate.
8.13. All materials copyrighted by socprofile.com may be reproduced in the media, on the Internet or on any other media only with the prior written consent of socprofile.com.
8.14. All issues related to copyright and legal protection of objects are governed by the current legislation of the countries.
8.15. All intellectual property rights in socprofile.com and their content (excluding your Content, but including socprofile.com Content), features and functions are and will remain exclusive to us (or our licensors). property, and you will not dispute such property.
8.16. Socprofile.com is protected by copyright, trademark and other laws of all countries. Our trademarks and trade names may not be used in connection with any product or service without our prior written consent. Nothing in these terms of service constitutes the transfer of any intellectual property rights to you.
8.17. You are only permitted to use socprofile.com with our permission (which includes use in accordance with these terms). As a user, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable right to use socprofile.com to create, display, use, reproduce and download Content in accordance with these terms of service.
8.18. You must not use socprofile.com in connection with a product or service that is not affiliated with us or in any way damaging our reputation.
8.19. any opinions, advice, statements, services, suggestions or other information or content expressed or provided by any other users belong to the respective authors or distributors, and not to us.
9. Using the site socprofile.com
9.1. Your access to and use of socprofile.com is governed by these terms of service and all applicable laws and regulations. We also strive to ensure that socprofile.com is safe for all users and does not provide a platform for inappropriate Content or user behavior. If there is any genuine and reasonable allegation from a third party (including any law enforcement agencies) that your behavior may violate these terms of service, we reserve the right to cooperate with that third party.
9.2. With this in mind, you shouldn't:
9.2.1. access or use socprofile.com if you are not fully and do not have the legal competence to agree to these terms of service;
9.2.2. make unauthorized copies, alter, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, extract information, or create derivative works based on socprofile.com or any included content, including any files, tables or documentation (or any part thereof), or define or attempt define any source code, algorithms, methods or techniques embodied on socprofile.com, or any derivative works of socprofile.com;
9.2.3. distribute, license, transfer or sell all or any part of socprofile.com or any derivative works from it, except that you may resell on socprofile.com to a limited number of people, if we have expressly given you permission to do so for such activities in writing (and if we give consent, we may also include in such consent terms that you must comply with);
9.2.4. sell, rent out socprofile.com for a fee, or use socprofile.com to advertise or carry out any commercial offer, except that you may sell on socprofile.com to a limited number of people if we have expressly agreed to do so for such activity to you in writing;
9.2.5. use socprofile.com without our express written consent for any commercial or unauthorized purpose, including transmitting or facilitating any commercial advertising, soliciting or spamming;
9.2.6. interfere with or attempt to interfere with the proper operation of socprofile.com, disrupt the site or any networks connected to socprofile.com, or circumvent any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to socprofile.com;
9.2.7. include socprofile.com or any part of it in any other program or product, unless this may be separately agreed with us in writing;
9.2.8. use or allow others to use automated scripts or other tools to collect information from your Page or socprofile.com or otherwise interact with socprofile.com;
9.2.9 impersonate any person or entity, or falsely claim or otherwise misrepresent you or your affiliation with any person or entity, including creating the impression that any content you upload, publish, transmit, distribute or otherwise make available, comes from socprofile.com;
9.2.10. bully or harass another person or promote violence or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age on your Page, in your account, or through any links on your Page;
9.2.11. include any sexually explicit material (including images and language) on your Page itself or in your account itself;
9.2.12. use or attempt to use someone else's account, service or system without our permission or create a false identity on socprofile.com;
9.2.13. use socprofile.com in a way that could create a conflict of interest or undermine the purpose of socprofile.com, such as sharing reviews with other users or writing or requesting fake reviews; or use socprofile.com to download, transfer, distribute, store or otherwise provide access in any way: files containing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other harmful or technologically hazardous materials; information that socprofile.com believes to be unwanted or unauthorized advertisements, solicitations, promotional materials, "junk mail", "spam", "multilevel marketing", "happiness letters", "pyramid schemes "Or any prohibited form of imposing services; personal information of any third party, including addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, numbers and features on an identity document (e.g. national insurance numbers, passport numbers) or credit card numbers, other than us, as provided in the Privacy Policy; Any material that infringes or may infringe on copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights, or the privacy rights of any other person; Any material that defames anyone that is obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory; Any materials that represent, encourage or contain instructions for the commission of a criminal offense, dangerous act or self-harm; Any material that is intentionally intended to provoke or displease people, especially trolling and intimidation, or is intended to harass, harm, hurt, frighten, upset, embarrass or upset people; Any materials containing threats of any kind, including threats of physical violence; Any material of a racist or discriminatory nature, including discrimination based on race, religion, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation; Any response, response, comment, opinion, analysis or recommendation for which you are not properly licensed or otherwise qualified; or Material which, in our sole opinion, is objectionable or that restricts or prevents any other person from using socprofile.com, or that may expose us, socprofile.com or our users to any harm or liability of any type. < br>
10. Other conditions
10.1. The parties are released from liability for failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if this failure is caused by force majeure circumstances, which are recognized as such.
10.2. In the event of force majeure, the established deadlines for fulfilling the obligations specified in the agreement are postponed for the period during which these force majeure circumstances are in effect.
10.3. The agreement and its execution are governed by the laws of the countries where the site is used by the user.
10.4. When registering on the site socprofile.com, the user automatically subscribes to the newsletter from the site socprofile.com, and does not mind that information letters from the site socprofile.com, as well as letters of notification of the actions taken, will be sent to his email address specified during registration on the site.
10.5. Inaction on the part of the site socprofile.com in the event of a violation by the user or other users of the rules for using the site of the provisions of the Agreements does not deprive the site of the right to take appropriate actions in defense of its interests later, and does not mean the site waiver of its rights in the event of subsequent similar or similar violations .
10.6. All disputes and disagreements between the Parties by agreement, in connection with the agreement and / or its execution, the Parties will seek to settle through negotiations. If, as a result of negotiations, the Parties have not reached a mutually acceptable solution, the dispute shall be resolved in court.
10.7. In the event that one or more provisions of this agreement are for any reason invalid, unenforceable, such invalidity does not affect the validity of any other provision of the agreement, and the agreement should be interpreted in such a way as if it did not contain such invalid provisions.
10.8. The agreement represents the full consent and understanding of the Parties in relation to the subject of the agreement and cancels all negotiations, discussions and agreements between them regarding the subject of the agreement prior to its conclusion. Neither Party is bound by any obligations, conditions, guarantees, representations, definitions other than those expressly specified in the agreement.
10.9. The site contractor has the right to refuse the user to continue using the site if he considers his actions to be in violation of these Agreements. The user has the right to stop using the site at any time at will. In case of termination of the use of the site, the user undertakes to notify the Contractor via communication channels about the presence of invalid personal data of the user and only after that this agreement will terminate.
10.10. Our Privacy Policy applies to how we collect, use and disclose personal (personal) information about you.
10.11. In accordance with the law of any country, you consent to the processing of your personal data, including to perform actions provided for by the laws of these countries.
10.12. If we share information about socprofile.com with you that is confidential or deemed confidential by a reasonable person, you must keep it confidential and use reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure. or access to this information.
10.13. If you choose to contribute to socprofile.com by sending us any ideas for new products, services, features, modifications, improvements, content, offers, promotions, computer code or any other material, then no matter what the your message: we are not obligated to review, consider or implement your offers or return you all or part of any offers for any reason; You also irrevocably grant us a perpetual, irrevocable worldwide royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, create derivative works, modify, perform, communicate, provide, display and otherwise use and use offers and their derivatives for any purpose and without limitation.
10.14. Your page can have its own visitors and customers (End Users). You are responsible for how End Users use and interact with your Page and your Content (as opposed to our obligations to you in these terms of service in relation to socprofile.com itself). This responsibility includes compliance with all laws and regulations in relation to End Users, as well as the supply of products and services (if any) to End Users.
10.15. If you do not comply with any of these terms of the user agreement, we may suspend or cancel your user. account or limit the functionality of socprofile.com to which you have access. Depending on what the non-compliance is, we cannot use this right to suspend or cancel, but if there is a repeated non-compliance or material non-compliance in your account, we will most likely do so.
10.16. You also understand that at any time, without giving a reason, we may delete any or all information about you, including your account, from our website.
10.17. These terms of service (together with the Privacy Policy) constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding your use and access to socprofile.com and your use and access to socprofile.com. No other terms should be included in these terms of service unless required by any law. All implied terms, other than those implied by law and which cannot be expressly excluded, are expressly excluded.
10.18. our failure to enforce or enforce any provision of these terms of service will not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right.
10.19. Your use of socprofile.com is at your own risk. The socprofile.com website is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. The socprofile.com website is provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.